SKPS Pringle Elementary | Salem, OR


Salem Keizer School District


OPSIS Architecture


5500 Reed Lane SE

Salem, OR 97306



Contract Type:

Prequalified Hard Bid

Project Description

The 2018 SKSD Bond brought significant improvements to Pringle Elementary, originally built in 1978. The comprehensive revitalization project, facilitated by INLINE, bolstered the school's safety and durability with extensive seismic upgrades. In addition to these safety measures, new classrooms were constructed, expanding the school's capacity and creating an environment conducive to effective learning.

The project also introduced new outdoor covered play areas, providing children with a secure and sheltered space for recreational activities. ADA functionality was enhanced, thanks to the addition of new paving and concrete not limited to the school confines; public areas and sidewalks also received upgrades. Lastly, the bond work included upgrades to the low voltage systems and security equipment, and interior esthetics.

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